Harmony and Mom were away for Father's Day, so Sister was able to go all-out this year. She orchestrated a way for brother to disappear for two weeks, as well as a way for Dad to grow facial hair without complaints from Mom. She also bought a $30 gift card to Lowes, just in case Dad needed something tangible.  That will be used to build a gate on the back deck to retain the dogs.

The only drawback to sending Brother away was the fact that we traded him for Harmony's dog. We got the short end of the bargain. He's a sweet dog, but his magic tricks are less sophisticated than Brother's, and his jokes need a lot of work. Sister suspects he is a black and tan coonhound mixed with some sort of spaniel. He is currently doing his best to learn how to be a gentleman.

With two dogs in the house, Sister's morning view looks something like this (image to right).

Sister signed her first teaching contract for this coming fall!! However, it came in the mail with a huge surprise: under "Assignments" it had "social studies/English". Sister is not a certified English teacher (just a grammar snob)!! One quick telephone call, and all was right in the world once more.

Dad has been teaching teachers how to teach physical science. While Dad loves teaching, this was just a bit too much "Inception" for him. He is happy to return to his regularly scheduled broadcast. The yard needs mowed, the deck needs a gate and a coat or two of stain, and Sister is not going to continue to bathe the dogs once a week by herself. He's done a fabulous job cooking dinners and cleaning the kitchen (especially all that shed dog hair!!!).

When Dad grows up, he wants to take his own seven week pilgrimage across the United States from Atlantic to Pacific in his Piper Super Cub. Brother will probably want to go along. 

The views here at home are absolutely breathtaking. The Hydrangeas Grandma gave Mom last year for Mother's Day are in full bloom (thanks to Dad's hard work. Seriously. Sister doesn't do yard work). 

Finally, Sister's new friend the lizard (whom she met walking the dogs this morning) wanted some time in the spotlight. Sister doesn't speak Lizard, but this is Sister's best guess based on the lizard's bright personality.

Sister, Dad, and Grandma send love, support, prayers, and just about everything except a new phone across the Atlantic to Harmony and Mom. See you guys in 6 weeks!!

6/19/2013 03:45:13 pm

Sister, what a wonderful update from across the pond! Mom and I can´t think of a better read over caffe´con leche y botadillas for breakfast.

Thank you for orchastrating such a wonderful summer ;)

What beautiful words and pictures.

Much Love,
Harmony and Mom


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